Today I decided to do my maths lesson a little differently.
The children worked in 4 groups to create an estimate of the distance they ran on their cross-country practice course - which we recorded on the board.
They then went out with metre measuring wheels to measure the distance.
We then used Google Earth to measure the distance
We then calculated how far we run in total (we do 3 laps)
Finally we compared this with the distance of the actual course
Amazing results - 2 groups measured 320m and 2 groups measured 340m. Google Earth gave a measurement of 332m. One of the children actually estimated the distance to be 332m (Freaky!). The actual course was 874m
Amazing thoughts - On Tuesday we had measured the Harbour Bridge on Google Earth and the children remembered the distance and made comparisons to our cross country course.
Your maths sounds like fun!!! No wonder Holly wa buzzing :)