Wednesday 8th September. It's been a little while since I posted to my blog, I was hoping to be like Ewan McIntosh and post everday - but never mind.
I have been struggling with how to use the computers in my room effectively for some time. The problem that I had was with juggling publishing during literacy time, with my tumble activities for maths and literacy (which both include computer time) but I also wanted to have the computers in use 100% of the time.
I have now decided to take any computer use off my tumbles and the children are getting strictly rostered time on the computers (20 minutes each) - If they have publishing to do, it needs to be done during their rostered computer time.
At the moment I am monitoring this very strictly (I have only started today) and I am using my mobile phone to time the students. I am hoping to gradually hand over control of this roster to the children. Today I allowed the children to access learning websites from our IGoogle page but some had circumvented this by using the school Intranet which has lots of game websites. I think I need to evaluate these before the children are allowed to use them. I will let you know how it goes.
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